There are 8 poker games available :
1. Texas Hold'em
2. Omaha
3. Omaha Hi/Lo
4. Pot limits
5. No limit pots
6. 5 Card Stud
7. 7 Card Stud
8. The Rates charged
9. Poker hand ranking
1. Texas Hold'em
If you follow these 6 steps at Texas Hold'em, you win!
First betting round
The dealer (indicated by the dealer button) deals two cards to each player, no-one except the player who receives the cards can look at those cards.
The player on the left of the dealer places the first bet (the small blind) that equals to the amount of the smallest chip.
Second betting round
The player on the left of the small blind places the second bet (the big blind) which is the double of the previous bet.
Step 1 1st betting round
The first player to start is the player sitting to the left of the one who placed the ‘big blind’.
The players play one after the other until they get to the first player who placed the 'small blind'.
This player has the choice between ‘folding’, ‘calling’ or 'raising'.
The player who has placed ‘the big blind’ can either ‘fold’ or ‘call’.
If the player who placed the small blind raises, the other players can either ‘pass’ or ‘call’.
Step 2 The Flop
This is when the current dealer of a round places 3 cards face-up on the table.
Step 3 2nd round
For this betting round, the first player, still in the game and on the left of the dealer starts.
Step 4 – The Turn
This is when the dealer places the 4th community card on the table. It is called the 'Turn''.
Step 5 – The River
The dealer places the 5th community card on the table. This last card is called ‘The River’.
Stage 6 –The Showdown
This is when the cards are shown. The round is completed when a bet or a re-raise has not been followed. The players then show their cards and once the chips have been won by the winner of the round, another hand starts.
2. Omaha Poker
Omaha Poker has the same rules than Texas Hold’em with 2 exceptions:
1. The players have 4 pocket cards instead of 2.
2. In order to have the best hand the players have to use 2 out of 4 pocket cards and only 3 community cards. Texas Hold'em, on the contrary, allows the use of 5 community cards instead of 3.
Omaha Poker is one of the most often played games at Tournaments and Championships like the WSOP.
3. Omaha Hi/Lo
Omaha Hi/Lo has the same rules as standard Omaha, but there are several ways of sharing the pot.
The winner of the Hi hand is the player with the best ranking hand, as in Omaha or Texas Hold’em. But in addition to that, the winner of the Hi hand can also win the Lo hand. The Lo hand is a hand with 5 different cards below 9. You can use the 2 'pocket' and 'community' cards to improve the Lo hand. In any case, you need to use 2 'pocket' cards.
For example : 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of any colour will be the Lo hand. The Lo hand with the lowest ranking hand wins. In the case of one Lo hand winner, the players split the Pot 50/50 between the Lo hand winner and the Hi hand winner.
In the case of many Lo hands, the winner for Lo hand is determined by comparing the highest of all the lowest ranking cards , subsequently the second highest ranked hand, etc... If there are two or more equal Lo hand winners, then the pot is split between them.
There will certainly be no Lo hand winner at each time. Thus, a player can have 2 different cards or the same pocket cards in his/her hands to play Hi and Lo, in addition to any other 3 community cards.
4. Pot Limits (recommended for beginners)
The Pot Limit is different from the No Limit because of the amounts of bets and raises.
The minimum raise is the previous amount raised or the bet in the same round.
For example, if the first player bets £10, the second one can bet a minimum of £10.
The amount of the maximum bet is the total of the pot + the total amount of other players' bets during the round + the amount called by the player. For example if the pot is £50, then the first player bets £10 and the second bets £10, the third player can raise above £80 (£50 in the main pot+ £20 of bets from the 1st round+£10 from the player's own raise).
Pot Limit rules don't change in the last betting round, as it is the case with Pot Limit.
5. No Limit Pot (for the most advanced players)
The difference between no limit and limit is that there is no maximum amount for each raise (apart from the level/amount on the table).
The no limit rules don't change in the last betting round, as they keep changing in limit.
6. 5 Card Stud
5 Card Stud is a variety of poker that shares a lot in common with 7 Card Stud. As the name suggests, the game is played with 5 cards. All the cards that are dealt are hole cards and there’s no community card. The main differences between 5 Card Stud and 7 Card Stud are as follows:
The number of cards dealt at the beginning of the game: 2 cards instead of the 3 that you get in 7 Card Stud The number of rounds of betting: 4 instead of the 5 that you get in 7 Card Stud
5 Card Stud is played with a maximum of eight players.
The AnteBefore the players get their starting cards, they have to lay down the ante. This is a compulsory bet that starts the game and begins the building of the pot.
1st RoundOnce the ante has been laid down, two cards are dealt to each player, one face-up and one face-down.
The player with the lowest face-up card has to lay the "bring-in". This "bring-in" starts the betting. Note: In the case of a draw between two cards, the decision is made according to the suits. In ascending order: clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades. Then the player to the left of the player who laid the "bring-in" acts first. This player can raise, call or pass. Then the other players act in their turn (moving clockwise round the table). They can call or raise. There can only be three raises at most. Once three raises have been made, the players have to either call or fold.
2nd RoundA third face-up card is dealt to each player. The player who acts first is the one with the best hand showing, that is the best combination of two cards showing. Then the other players act in their turn. There can only be three raises at most. Once three raises have been made, the players have to either call or fold.
3rd RoundA fourth face-up card is dealt to each player. The third round of betting takes place. The player who acts first is the one with the best hand showing. Then the other players act in their turn. Once three raises have been made, the players have to either call or fold.
4th RoundA fifth and final face-up card is dealt to each player. The final round of betting takes place. The player who acts first is the one with the best hand showing. Then the other players act in their turn.
The ShowdownThe first player to reveal his or her cards (the four face-up cards and the one face-down card) is the one who made the last bet or raise. By default this is the opening player or, if not, the player with the best hand showing. The player with the best hand takes down the pot. In the case of a draw between hands, the pot is shared equally.
7. 7 Card Stud
7 Card Stud is a very popular variety of poker. As the name suggests, the game is played with a total of 7 cards. 7 Card Stud is played with a maximum of eight players and there are five rounds of betting. All the cards that are dealt are hole cards and there’s no community card (except in rare cases - see the note for the 5th Round below). The dealer for the game is selected by each player drawing a card and the player with the lowest card is then the dealer. This player will then deal the cards starting with the player directly to his or her left.
The AnteThe Ante is the first bet that the players make and it is compulsory. To get his or her cards, all the players have to place this bet.
1st RoundThree cards are dealt to each player: two cards face-down and one card face-up. The player with the lowest face-up card has to lay the "bring-in". This "bring-in" starts the betting. Note: In the case of a draw between two cards, the decision is made according to the suits. In ascending order: clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades. Then the player to the left of the player who laid the "bring-in" acts first. This player can raise, call or pass. Then the other players act in their turn. They can call or raise. There can only be three raises at most. Once three raises have been made, the players have to either call or fold.
2nd RoundA fourth face-up card is dealt to each player. Then there is a round of betting. The player with the best hand showing acts first and then the other players act next in their turn. There can only be three raises at most. Note: From the second round of betting, the players can double their bet if a player has a pair showing.
3rd RoundA fifth face-up card is dealt to each player. Then the third round of betting takes place with a maximum of three possible raises. The player with the best hand showing acts first and then the other players act next in their turn. There can only be three raises at most.
4th RoundA sixth face-up card is dealt to each player before the fourth round of betting takes place. The player with the best hand showing acts first and then the other players act next in their turn. There can only be three raises at most.
5th RoundA seventh and final face-up card is dealt to each player. Then the final round of betting takes place. The player with the best hand showing acts first and then the other players act next in their turn. There can only be three raises at most.Note: At this stage of the game, if all eight players are still in the hand (this rarely happens) and there aren’t enough cards left to deal to everyone, the dealer deals one face-up community card. This represents the players’ seventh card.
The ShowdownThe players who are still in play reveal their cards to compare their hands - this is the showdown. The player with the best hand takes down the pot. In the case of a draw between hands, the pot is share equally.
8. The rates charged
The rate is the fee taken from the games involving real money. The rate applies to the games a player took part in and for which the House has generated at least €0,01 rate for this player.
The rate charged is calculated by dividing the total of rates taken during the game by the number of players who have received the cards.
We do not charge a rate if the hand ended before the 'flop' cards were dealt ( 'No flop no drop').
Limit Tables
From €0.02 - 0.04 up to €0.05 - 0.10
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2-10 | €0.01 for each €0.25 in the Pot | €0.04 |
€0.10 - €0.20
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2-10 | €0.01 for each €0.25 in the Pot | €0.10 |
From €0.25 - 0.50 up to €0.50 - 1
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2-10 | €0.02 for each €0.50 in the Pot | €0.40 |
€1 - €2
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2-10 | €0.02 for each €0.50 in the Pot | €1 |
€2 - €4
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2 | €0.20 for each €5 in the Pot | €1 |
3 - 4 | €0.20 for each €5 in the Pot | €2 |
5 - 10 | €0.20 for each €5 in the Pot | €3 |
From €3 - €6 up to €10 - €20
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2 | €0.40 for each €10 in the Pot | €1 |
3 - 4 | €0.40 for each €10 in the Pot | €2 |
5 - 10 | €0.40 for each €10 in the Pot | €3 |
From €20 - €40 up to €30 - €60
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2 | €0.75 for each €20 in the Pot | €1 |
3 - 4 | €0.75 for each €20 in the Pot | €2 |
5 - 10 | €0.75 for each €20 in the Pot | €3 |
From €50 - €100 and above
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2 - 3 | €2 for each €100 in the Pot | €2 |
4 - 10 | €2 for each €100 in the Pot | €4 |
From €50 - €100 and above
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rake |
2 - 3 | €1 for each €50 in the Pot | €2 |
4 - 10 | €2 for each €100 in the Pot | €4 |
Pot limit and No limit pot Tables
From €0.01/0.02 up to €0.02/€0.04:
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rate |
2-10 | €0.01 for each €0.15 in the Pot | €1.00 |
From €0.05/€0.10
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rate |
2 | €0.01 for each €0.15 in the Pot | €1.00 |
3-10 | €0.01 for each €0.15 in the Pot | €2.00 |
From €0.10/€0.20 up to €0.25/€0.50 :
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rate |
2 | €0.01 for each €0.20 in the Pot | €1.00 |
3-4 | €0.01 for each €0.20 in the Pot | €2.00 |
5-10 | €0.01 for each €0.20 in the Pot | €3.00 |
From €0.50/€1 up to €10/€20:
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rate |
2 | €0.05 for each €1 in the Pot | €1.00 |
3-4 | €0.05 for each €1 in the Pot | €2.00 |
5-10 | €0.05 for each €1 in the Pot | €3.00 |
From €25 up to €50 and up:
Number of players | Rates per pot | Max. Rate |
2-3 | €1 for each €20 in the Pot | €2.00 |
4-10 | €1 for each €20 in the Pot | €5.00 |
9. Poker hand ranking
At Poker, there is a distinctive order of 9 hands. The strongest combination of the 9 is the Royal Flush, as the hands in diminishing order below indicate:
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Royal Flush of the same suit from 10 to Ace. Example : 10S, JS, QS, KS, AS |
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Straight Flush of the same suit Example : 7D ,8D, 9D, 10D, JD |
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Four of a kind Four cards of the same value Example : JC, JD, JH, JS |
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Full House Three cards of the same value with two cards of a different value. When more than one Full Houses is competing, the one with the highest ranking card of three wins. Example : QH, QS, KD, KC, KH |
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Flush Five cards of the same suit. When more than one flush is competing, the one with the highest card wins. Example : AS, 5S, 7S, 9S, JS |
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Straight Five cards in sequence. If more than one straight is competing, the one with the highest value wins. An Ace can be taken as either high or low card ( but not hight and low in the same hand). Example : 8, 9, 10, J, Q |
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Three of a kind Three cards of the same value. Example : KH, KD, KC |
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Two Pairs Two cards of the same value with another two cards of the same value. When more than one hand has two pairs of the same value, the hand with the highest fifth card wins. Example : JC, JH, QS, QD |
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One Pair Two cards of the same value. In case two hands have pairs, the highest wins. When more than one hand has a pair of the same value, the hand with the highest card outside the pair wins. Example : 10C, 10S |
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High Card When the players have none of the above hands, the hand with the highest card wins. |
10. Six Plus Hold'em
Six Plus Hold’em is a variant of Texas Hold‘em that uses a reduced deck. Instead of the standard 52 card deck, all cards with the values of 2,3,4,5 ( 4 deuces, 4 treys, 4 fours and 4 fives) are removed from the deck, resulting in a 36 card deck, where the lowest card is 6 and the highest A.
Six Plus Hold’em has a slightly different hand ranking from the classic Texas Hold’em: The two major differences are that “Three of a kind” now beats a “Straight”, and “Flush” beats a “Full house”. This is implemented to make up for the changed probabilities of hitting, due to the reduced deck as compared to classic Hold’em game with 52 cards.
Tournament Basics
Poker tournaments are the events that no professional would miss. They bring out the winner in you and your best techniques. And what's more, the tournaments will make you win extremely good sums of money!
1. Register
2. Multi-table tournaments
3. Sit'n'go tournaments
4. Satellites/Qualifiers
5. Guaranteed tournaments
6. Heads-up Shootouts
7. Re-entry Tournaments (RET)
8. Multiple Entry Tournaments (MET)
9. SNG on Tap - Late Entry Sit'N'Gos
10. Twister Poker Sit&Go
11. Speed Poker
1 - Register
In order to register you need to buy the tournament chips and secure your seat by paying your admission fee.
You can join an open tournament when registering on the welcome page. Once registered, you will be automatically directed to your table. All seats are assigned at random.
2 - Multi-table tournaments
These tournaments are played with 12 or more players. The players register in advance. The game becomes tight while the players are being eliminated, because the pools are usually increased due to the number of players. Finally the one who accumulates all the chips of the competition becomes the winner.
3 - Sit'n'go tournaments
A simple table tournament that can be played with up to ten players. It starts as soon as the table is full. There is no interruption during the game. The tournament continues until the game is over. Here the winner is also the player who accumulates all the chips of the competition.
4 - Satellites /Qualifiers
Satellite tournaments are both simple table tournaments and multi-table tournaments and their role is to get qualified for special tournaments.
The winners win a seat in the main event.
5 - Guaranteed tournaments
A guaranteed online poker tournament is a tournament where the prize pool is guaranteed by the poker room. For example, a guaranteed €10,000 tournament will always have a minimum €10,000 prize pool. If not enough players join to cover the prize pool, the poker room pays the remaining amount. If more than enough players join the tournament, their buy-in will be added to the guaranteed amount. A guaranteed €10,000 just means that there is minimum of €10,000 to be split between the winners.
6 - Heads-up Shootout Tournaments
This tournament format is available as a Sit'N'Go or Regular Tournament. Players compete in heads-up (two player) matches. You must win your match to progress to the next round. Rounds continue until the final match where the 1st prize is awarded.
7 - Re-Entry Tournaments (RET)
Tournaments with re-entry enable you to register for the same tournament again, as long as late registration is still available. In a re-entry tournament when you are eliminated, you can return to the tournament again. They are different to Rebuy tournaments where you can re-buy chips and you will stay at the same table. In Re-entry Tournaments you will receive a new stack and you will sit at a new table as if you were a new player.
8 - Multiple Entry Tournaments (MET)
You can register for the same tournament more than once (on selected tournaments only) and play on multiple tables for the same tournament. Your entries will be seated at different tables with their own stack and their own hands. If you have more entries than there are tables left in the tournament, two or more of your entries will be merged into one.
9 - On Tap Tournaments
Ideal for Sit and Go players who want to play for bigger prizepools and don't want to wait for tables to fill up. On Tap tournaments can be found in the Sit and Go and Tournaments Lobby. You can register late for tournaments that have already started and the tournaments are available 24/7.
10 - Twister Sit&Go
These are 3 player Sit&Go turbo tournaments where the prizepool is determined randomly. You can choose to enter for $1, $2, $5 or $10. What makes Twister tournaments unique is that the prizepool could be a jackpot of 1,000 times your entry.
11 - Speed Poker
Available both in Cash and Tournaments Speed Poker gives you the option to 'Speed-fold'. When you 'Speed-Fold' you join another table instantly to play a new hand against new players! In Speed Hold'em Tournaments when less than 30 players remain, we will switch to short-handed tables to keep the pace of the game going. If you make it to the final table, the tournament will be played as a standard tournament until the winner is determined.
- 7-card Stud - variation of Poker where the player has 3 closed cards and 4 open cards and must make up the best hand.
- Ace-High - a hand with an Ace.
- Aces Full House - 3 aces and a pair.
- Aces Up - hand with 2 pairs, including a pair of Aces.
- Action - betting, checking, raising or folding.
- Active player - every player still in a game.
- Add-on - extra chips that can be bought at the end of a Sit n Go period of a tournament.
- Aggressive - player who bets and raises constantly.
- All-in - Bet everything you have.
- Ante - obligatory bet all players make before the cards are distributed to players.
- Backer - someone who provides a player with cash to play with in exchange for a share of the prize money.
- Backraise - a raise from a player who had previously checked.
- Bad beat - losing a game on the last card, when you were the favourite to win beforehand.
- Bankroll - amount of money a player has to play with.
- Belly Buster - draw giving an inside straight.
- Bet - putting chips in the pot.
- Bet limit - Bet limits establish the minimum and maximum chip amounts that players can bet. For example, in a £10/£20 game, the minimum bet limit is £10 and the maximum is £20.
- Bet odds - evaluation of chances of winning after a bet by each player.
- Bet the pot - player betting the pot amount.
- Big Slick - a hand with an Ace and King.
- Big blind - In Texas Hold'em and Omaha, the second obligatory bet made by the player 2 left of the dealer. It is double the small blind
- Blank - a useless card or hand.
- Blind - 2 obligatory bets at the start of a bet to establish a pot.
- Bluff - betting to make other players think you have a strong hand.
- Board - centre of the table where the community cards go. The pot is also left on the Board.
- Bonus - a promotion offered by the House which could be a deposit bonus or real chips.
- Bonus seeker - a player who only uses bonuses to play with.
- Bottom pair - a player who uses the lowest card in the flop to make a pair with one of his/her own pocket cards.
- Bounty - a bonus available for a player to win during a tournament.
- Bring it in - starting the first round of betting
- Broadway - a straight starting with an Ace.
- Bubble - The bubble is the lowest position in a poker tournament.
- Bullets - a pair of aces.
- Bump - restarting the game.
- Burn - a higher card put to one side, face down before each new deal. Burning a card aims to reduce any chance of cheating.
- Bustout - a player who is eliminated from a tournament.
- Button (Dealer's ...) - the button which indicates the current dealer in a game.
- Buy-in - the minimum or maximum number of chips brought to a table. The participation fee in a tournament.
- Buy-ins (Minimum ...) - the minimum amount to enter a tournament or play a game.
- Call - making the same bet as the last player in order to stay in the game.
- Calling station - a big, passive player, who doesn't raise often and checks more often than s/he should.
- Cap - maximum number of bets allowed, during each round of betting.
- Cards speak - best combination of cards possible.
- Case Chips - the last chips a player has.
- Cash Out - leaving a game to cash your chips out at the cashier
- Cash-game - Rather than a tournament, a free Poker game where players can leave the table and take their cash when they want to.
- Check - staying in the game without betting, providing no-one else has bet.
- Chip leader - the player with the most chips in a cash game.
- Chip race - Withdrawal of chips of the lowest value.
- Chop - giving the forced bets to players who made them and moving them to the next game if no other player checks.
- Clear - cancel all bets and return the money to the player/s.
- Coffeehousing - a discussion amongst players which aims to organise players so that they cause another player to make the incorrect decision, this is a form of cheating and banned.
- Collusion - Two players who plan to work together to get money out of the poker site they are playing on, also banned.
- Combination - any of the 9 hands you can make in Poker (see: Rules of the game)
- Commission - Money taken by the House. Commission is generated by all players playing a hand and not by an individual player. The levels of commission are noted on our website (see: Commission system)
- Community (or Common, or Board) Cards - The cards on the table that anyone an use to make a better hand (see: Rules of the game)
- Counterfeit - a card which then makes up a better hand than the one your opponent has.
- Dark (In the ...) - Playing in the dark, betting without looking at your own cards. Generally, on the first round of betting on 7 card stud.
- Dead Bet - active non-bet where the penalty costs are put into the pot.
- Dead Blind - blinds (obligatory bets) made by the 2 players sat to the left of the dealer. If none of the players raise, the player who made the small blind must call, this amount will not be deducted from his/her bet (dead blind).
- Dead Hand - Hand which is no longer eligible in the game.
- Dealer (Croupier) - the person who distributes the cards
- Dealer's position - being the last to act in a round of betting.
- Deposit - the amount the player puts into his/her online poker account.
- Deuces - a pair of twos.
- Dominant hands - good, solid hands.
- Dominated hands - a hand to play which could lose against hands which are neither straights, flushes or similar.
- Donkey - an insult for a player who is playing badly but thinks s/he is playing well.
- Door card - The first card revealed in a game of Stud.
- Down (or Hole) cards - the cards given out face down in front of players. Also called private cards in some games.
- Draw Poker - variation of poker. Chance of replacing one or more pocket cards.
- Drawing Hand - a card that is useless at the beginning but could become part of a strong hand.
- Drawing dead - Taking a card without any chance of winning.
- Ducks - a pair of twos.
- Duel (Heads-up) - a game where only 2 players compete against each other.
- ECOOP - Acronym for "European Championship of Online Poker". The online European poker championship.
- EPT - Acronym of "European Poker Tour".
- Early position - the players well seated after the blinds.
- Edge - advantage one player has another at any level.
- Faces (paints, picture cards) - cards with an image on (Jack, Queen, King).
- Family pot - when all players on the table play in a game.
- Fee - the amount paid by the player on top of the buy-in to take part in a tournament.
- Fifth street - the river.
- Financial odds - looking at the amount of money in the pot when you decide whether to check, raise or fold.
- Fish - an insult.
- Five-card Stud - variation of Poker in which each player receives 5 cards, one hidden and 4 open, with bets on each card.
- Flat Call - follow a bet without raising.
- Floorman - someone who supervises the poker floor.
- Flop - In Texas Hold'em, the first three communal cards shown face up on the carpet.
- Flop games - a variation of poker (Texas Hold'em and Omaha)
- Flush - A hand of 5 cards of the same suit (for example: 5 hearts)
- Flush draw - a hand one short of a flush.
- Fold - When you have a bad hand, give it up and stop playing.
- Forced bet, blinds - obligatory first bet, on the 1st round of the game.
- Four of a kind - A hand of four identical cards (ex: four jacks).
- Fourth street - in a Flop game, the 4th community card (the turn), in the 3rd round of bets.
- Free card - cards a player gets following a semi-bluff, in a way that other players check.
- Freeroll - A tournament with free entry. A promotion run by the House, which provides the money for the Prizepool.
- Freezeout - tournament in which players start with the same number of chips without any chance of a Re-buy or Add-on.
- Full House - A hand of 3 of a kind and a pair (3 Kings and a pair of 10s for example)
- Garage - progressive accumulation of chips made up of outside regular pots/the sum reinjected into the pots in the special games.
- Garbage - a rubbish hand.
- Grinder - a solid player trying to make big profits.
- Gutshot - inside straight draw.
- Hand - a player's 5 best cards.
- Heads-up - the moment when there are only 2 more players in the game.
- Hide - throwing your hand away.
- High limit - a game in which the amount of bets is important.
- High-card - the value of the single highest card that you have.
- High/Low - a variable in poker where the highest and the lowest hands pay out.
- Hole - the cards a player has in hand.
- House - the poker room.
- Implied odds - chances of calculating from the probable amount of bets and the number of players in the game.
- Inside straight - a single card needed to make a straight, within the sequence of cards needed.
- Isolate - raising hoping to only have one more opponent.
- Jackal - an aggressive player who raises and re-raises.
- Jackpot - prize given to a player who wins in a series of games.
- Jacks-or-Better - a variant of Poker, a player must get at least a pair of Jacks to win.
- Jammed - a pot which many raises have been put into.
- Kansas City Lowball - variation of Poker lowball where the worst hand is the best hand. Also called Deuce to Seven.
- Key card - a card which makes up a good draw or a good hand.
- Key hand - a decisive game for a player in a tournament.
- Kicker - 2nd card used to support the top card.
- Kill Pot - a method of stimulating action, a forced bet by a player who just won the pot.
- Ladies - a pair of queens.
- Large, loose - an inconsistent player who plays a lot of games.
- Late position - a position in betting where the player is one of the last to bet.
- Lay down - folding even when you have a good hand.
- Lead - first player to bet in a round of betting.
- Limit Poker - game with amounts of specific minimal and maximum bets and a number of defined raises.
- Limper - 1st player to bet.
- Live Card - in Stud, the cards which still have not been revealed and games that are still in the game.
- Live Hand - a hand which could still win
- Live blind - a player who has made a forced bet, allowed to raise, even if no other player raises (also called an option).
- Lobby - The name given to the Poker software that you can download online for free.
- Long Shot - a player who does not have a good chance of winning.
- Low limit - game where the amount of bets is low.
- Lowball - variation of poker where the lowest hand wins the pot
- Main pot - the central pot.
- Make - shuffling the cards.
- Maniac - an aggressive player who plays a lot of games.
- Max game draw - a game which cannot be beaten.
- Mexican - in Hold'em, 9 cards communal to all players, and 2 cards are their own.
- Middle pair - in a Flop game, a player with a pair of cards which are in the middle value of the flop.
- Middle position - somewhere in the middle of the round of betting.
- Mnemonics - a mental trick which allows you to memorise the game.
- Muck - not showing your cards after a player has showed a better hand.
- Multi-table Tournaments - Tournaments at a fixed time which are played by 12 or more. The winner is the player who still has all his/her chips at the end of the competition.
- No pot limit - When players can bet any amount they like in any round of betting in a game. Bets have to be at least equal to the previous bet.
- Nuts - best possible hand in a specific game and the possibilities offered.
- Off suit - cards of a different colour.
- Omaha - variation of poker where each player receives 4 pocket cards and 5 community cards.
- Open - making the first bet.
- Open cards - card distributed face down which becomes a community card, used by any player to improve a hand.
- Open-ended straight - 4 consecutive cards missing one card for a straight.
- Option - bet forced live, made before the cards are distributed.
- Out button - in the poker software, it allows each player to not play but to stay at the table.
- Out/s - in poker, the card/s which could improve your hand
- Outs - cards remaining in the game which could win the hand.
- Pair - A hand of two identical cards. It is possible to have 2 identical cards. (ex: two 8 of diamonds)
- Pair (Superior) - having in your hand the highest pair possible.
- Pair (Top) - in a Flop game, a player with a pair made up of one of his own cards and the highest community card.
- Pair (Two) - A hand of two pairs of cards of the same value (ex: two 8s and two jacks)
- Pair (open) - pair distributed face up.
- Pair (strong) - in a Flop game, a player with a pair made up of one pocket card and a community card (or table cards).
- Picture cards - cards with people on (jack, queen, king).
- Play money - Some games are played with "play money", for free, before the new player makes his first deposit, recommended for new players.
- Pocket - closed (or hidden) cards.
- Pocket rockets - pair of Aces as pocket cards.
- Position - a place where a player is in relation to the dealer, allowing to make a bet order.
- Post - if the forced bet is missed, the player has to add the chips up to the value of the forced bet.
- Pot - The amount of the total bets made in a game.
- Pot limit - a game where the maximum bet can only be the same size as a pot
- Private card - The two pocket cards only seen by the one player (see: Rules of the game)
- Prize Pool - The jackpot or prize stated before a tournament. Made up of the participants' buy-in.
- Push - the dealer pushing chips towards the winner at the end of the game.
- Quads - 4 of a kind
- Qualifier - in Hi/Lo games, what the low hand must achieve to win the pot.
- Rail - border of table poker where the barrier is found outside the game area.
- Railbird - person watching a game in a poker room and/or waiting to start playing.
- Rainbow - 3 cards of different suits.
- Raise - Increasing the amount of a bet
- Raise (Steal ...) - a bet made late to ward off other players and perhaps steal the pot.
- Raise (blind) - betting without looking at cards.
- Rank - value of each card in each hand.
- Ratholing - an illegal action (taking money from the table and moving it elsewhere).
- Razz - 7 card stud in which the 5 lowest cards win the pot.
- Re-Bet - betting the same amount again.
- Re-buy - money paid by the player to add to add a fixed number of chips for games during a tournament.
- Reading - watching a player, checking his behaviour and actions in a game.
- Real money - The money spent by the player with which he bets. The player has to be aware that as well as winning, you are risking losing your money.
- Ring game - live game (except a tournament).
- River - the last community card shown.
- Rock - a player considered conservative, only betting with a very strong hand.
- Round of betting - moment where players can bet, and choose whether to check or raise.
- Royal Flush - Ace-King-Queen-Jack-10 of one suit, the strongest possible hand.
- Run - playing with more money than is reasonable.
- Rush - winning several hands in a row or having a streak of good luck.
- Sandbagging - holding and checking a good hand. Hiding your hand's strength and allowing other players to make bets.
- Satellite - qualification table with a small buy-in which could gain you entry to a much bigger tournament.
- Seating list - a player adding its name to a list if there are no places available on the table.
- Second pair - make a pair with the help of the second highest card on the table in combination with pocket cards.
- Semi-bluff - betting with an average hand or a hand which needs to be improved to win.
- Set - having a pocket pair in which the value corresponds to a table card.
- Shark - a poker pro.
- Shills - name of the employees helping run and organise the games.
- Short buying - buying chips after the initial purchase.
- Short stack - the player with the least chips
- Short-handed - a small hand game with a small amount of players.
- Showdown - at the last round of bets, active players show their hand to find out who is the winner. In online poker, the showdown winner is automatically determined.
- Side pot - second pot for players after someone has gone all-in.
- Sit Out - possibility of reserving a seat without taking part in some round but perhaps brought to depositing the amount of the blind if s/he wants to keep a seat.
- Sit'n'go - a tournament that starts once a table is full.
- Sixth street - in 7 card stud, the 4th open card. Also the 4th round of betting.
- Small blind - In Texas Hold'em and Omaha, the 1st obligatory bet placed by the player to the left of the dealer. (see: Rules of the game)
- Soft seat - position or favourable game, up against inexperienced players.
- Solid - a tight player (playing well).
- Split - sharing the pot.
- Stack - the chips a player has.
- Stay - a player who stays in the game, checking in place of betting.
- Step tournament - multi-table tournament where the number of players progressively diminishes.
- Stone-cold bluff - betting or raising with a weak hand hoping other players fold.
- Straight draw - missing one card to make a straight
- Straight flush - hand of 5 cards in a row in the same suit. (ex: 7,8,9,10,J of hearts)
- String bet - responding several times for betting chips, without announcing the bet, this is banned.
- Strong card - the strongest hand on the table of the cards there.
- Structure - Limits set on forced bets and raises, in a specific game.
- Stuck - a player who loses.
- Stud game - a player receiving open and closed cards at the same time.
- Suited connector - having 2 cards of the same suit which follow each other.
- Third street - in 7 card Stud or more, the 1st round of betting following the distribution of the first 3 cards.
- Thirty miles - Three 10s.
- Three of a kind - 3 identical cards.
- Tight - a prudent player.
- Top pair - having the same card as the highest one on the table to make up a pair..
- Tournament - Poker competition at a fixed time
- Treys - a pair of 3s.
- Turn - The 4th community card (see: Rules of the game)
- Two ended straight draw - 4 cards in a row which can make up a straight hi/low.
- Underdog - a player who is not favourite.
- Underpair - pair of cards lower than the lowest value cards in the flop.
- Up Card (visible card) - a card visible to all player.
- Vegas - what the French call Texas Hold'em.
- WOPC - Acronym for "World Online Poker Championship". The top poker tournament. It started in 1970 and brings together the world's best players.
- WPT - Acronym for "World Poker Tour". A collection of worldwide tournaments which bring together the world's best players.
- WSOP - Acronym for "World Series of Poker". A world poker championship. This event is a Texas Hold'em Pot limit or no limit game for the Main Event in which the entrance fee is $10,000. It takes every year from June to July
- Walking sticks - a pair of 7s.
- Wheel - the poker hand A2345, the lowest possible straight.
- Widow-Poker - or Hold'em. An open poker family.
- Wild Card - Joker.
- Wired Pair - a closed pair.
- Zoo - a chaotic game (especially in a tournament), all players bet and raise a lot.